125 words These will probably be unpopular sentiments but its what I'm feeling. 977 words LDS women's thoughts wanted!!! (men's thoughts are also welcomed) 134 words Why I'm Still Mormon - counter meme. Good? Bad? Discuss. 136 words Do you always have to be married a year before you get sealed in a second marriage? 195 words How Fundamentalists Are Shaping Modern Mormonism 372 words How can I rely on a spiritual witness that the church is true, when people in other religions obtain similar witnesses that their own church is true? 231 words Actually, The Mormon Position on Gay Marriage Is Stronger Than You Think [x-post from /r/eldersquorum] 117 words LDS Church issues statement on Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals 136 words Why do people have so many facts against the Church? 692 words Is Hell symbolic for being in the presence of God? 271 words Today the church released 16 questions to assess missionary worthiness and ability to serve 200 words LDS Church, 22 Utah senators back Colorado baker (conscientious objector) in Supreme Court case 532 words White Privilege in the LDS Church: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack 314 words Going back out on a mission 729 words contradiction in romans? 675 words Why isn't addiction to meat talked about more? 234 words Ward Mission Leader questions for converts 198 words I'm looking for advice on dealing w/ people at work when you know sensitive information about them through church. 465 words Evidence for evolution 1,613 words Can your spouse hold you back from exaltation?