154 words If i cast and copy Rousing Refrain, will the copy go in exile with 3 time counter on it? 267 words Help with binder choice! ultimate guard zipfolio or ultra pro suede 119 words Potentially Stolen Collection in NE Ohio Found 653 words Disagreement on Hexproof 151 words Wizards is considering printing new cards exclusively in the old border 109 words WOTC will not replace defective Secret Lair products 130 words Wonder - Cardboard Crack 121 words [KHM] Dual Strike 1,327 words Looks like Maro accidentally confirmed the Vorinclex. Original post on his tumblr was removed. 114 words Higher profits and larger playerbases don't mean a game is doing better 131 words Maro apologizes for being unsympathetic towards concerns about the Walking Dead Secret Lair 158 words Should I mix colours in my deck? 124 words I suspected when they revealed the Godzilla crossover cards in Ikoria that it was the beginning of a long road downhill. Now I know I was right. 176 words MTG on Twitter: "We are closely monitoring developments in Standard." Update will be provided "early next week". 276 words As a noob, is there a reason why are all of these overpowered cards are green? (credit to sac_for_days for the image) 195 words I dislike how I open a booster pack and get a Mythic, I know it's the worst version of that card. 249 words Rulings question about the stack and copied spells 128 words Blake Rasmussen - Monday B&R "will change the Companion mechanic" 191 words Tolarian Winds: The Real Cost Of Double Masters And Premium Priced Magic: The Gathering Sets 148 words Flashing in a creature during the declare blockers step.