112 words Woman bleeds out from miscarriage and put on breathing machine due to abortion laws 134 words Insurer Delays Prior Authorization, Patient Loses Leg and Pelvis, Then Dies 129 words A critical reanalysis of a systematic review: Davies and Read 2019 106 words It's Official: Vitamins Don't Do Much for Health 116 words Roe v Wade overturned in leaked draft 589 words Not that we went into medicine for the money but… 218 words Soon there will be no one to prescribe 108 words Burger King medicine 130 words Support staff’s recurring use of the term “Doctor” at a large medical center for all of their APPs 131 words Every extra patient on a nurses caseload increases mortality rate by 7% 183 words Stupidity on the newborn unit. 121 words Why are some of us not wearing masks consistently? 164 words Physician reviews by other physicians? 127 words Mourning the training and career I'll never have 288 words New primary care attending here. Why are all my new patients age 60-80 yo on Ambien? 174 words AANP Ad Campaign Highlighting Real Patients Whose Lives Were Saved by Nurse Practitioners 149 words How did you choose your specialty? Are you happy with it? 319 words A new study finds that most 'Long COVID' symptoms are not independently associated with evidence of prior SARS-CoV-2 infection (except loss of sense of smell), but is associated with belief in having had COVID. 137 words Hospital system says it will deny transplants to the unvaccinated in ‘almost all situations’ 211 words Dealing with negative patient reviews/comments?