Support staff’s recurring use of the term “Doctor” at a large medical center for all of their APPs

I am a Pediatric Nurse Practitioner. When doing clinical, mid-level providers wear white lab coats. We all have “PNP,” “APN,” “MSN” or what not and “RN” behind them on our lab coats. Patients would sometimes call us “docs.” I had to correct them several times that I am a nurse and not a doctor. Nurses cannot pretend to be doctors.

We have medical assistants, nurse assistants, patient care technicians and sometimes patients called them nurses and they don’t correct the patients. That is not right. They are not nurses but, they pretend that they are. If and when I get my PhD or DNP, I would explain to my patients that I am a nurse but, my title is a “Doctor” because of my PhD and not an MD. : )

/r/medicine Thread