Hospital system says it will deny transplants to the unvaccinated in ‘almost all situations’

Do you think in this manner whenever you see your friends smoking?

No. But this is not a good comparison, if for no other reason than that the action (smoking) is only very distantly connected with death that occurs much later. The refusal to get vaccinated plus the insistence on shopping in the supermarket without masks raises a much more imminent and tangible prospect of death.

I'm not thinking of people with a 5% mortality risk. I'm thinking of those that have a 30+% percent risk of dying and who obviously have their own mortality very much on their mind given what they post on Facebook about their other health problems. This doesn't refer to the "typical" HCA awardee; the typical HCA awardee has a much lower risk and obviously just didn't think it would hit HIM specifically.

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