120 words 13 years ago we adopted my sister from china. My grandma just told us that before my parents brought her back she opened up this painting and made one of the children asian. (also darkened jesus to be more authenticity middle eastern) 133 words A creepy little Christmas tree fully decorated in the middle of the woods. Powered by what looked like mini solar panels 182 words A chunk of paint peeled off our old shack and revealed all old layers 118 words a 118 year old penny i found in my room 135 words Maybe it is a coincidence, but hey, what do I know ? 212 words Donald Trump has a locker at the golf club where I'm having a meeting. 148 words Waitress at a breakfast place I went to had her name on the receipt as “Crazy Linda”. 188 words The speed limit sign posted on the road vs the speed limit on the gps 125 words This isn’t my uncle but this guy literally has another version of the Sharingan. 270 words There is a cursor in my jigsaw puzzle picture 128 words Im literally the only person at my local premier of ‘Joker’. 140 words This guy with a birdbag 220 words This scratch on my knee is shaped like a F 118 words All of this week’s dates are palindromes! (M)M-DD-YY 113 words panorama while rolling down a hill 184 words Every hand drew up to 21 (dealer bust) 237 words Have you ever wondered how is a chimpanzee with alopecia? Here is one 938 words Stranger next to me on a flight to Toronto had the exact same book as me today 169 words This picture looking whack upside down. Scared the children. 322 words The tide goes so far out on the Ningaloo Reef that the coral sticks out of the water