Have you ever wondered how is a chimpanzee with alopecia? Here is one

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title points age /r/ comnts
PsBattle: Chimpanzee with alopecia showing natural densely packed muscle. B 2 2dys photoshopbattles 2
Chimpanzee with alopecia showing natural densely packed muscle. B 75 2dys pics 5
PsBattle: This chimp without hair B 2 2dys photoshopbattles 2
Chimpanzee with alopecia showing natural densely packed muscle. B 38618 2dys interestingasfuck 1258
The hairless chimpanzee 35 2mos pics 14
This absolutely decked hairless chimp. B 27 2mos pics 10
This hairless chimp is huge B 309 3mos natureismetal 73
Shaved chimpanzee. 18 6mos pics 15
PsBattle: This muscular bald chimp B 27 7mos photoshopbattles 9
Muscular hairless chimp. B 8863 7mos pics 573

Source: karmadecay (B = bigger)

/r/mildlyinteresting Thread Link - i.redd.it