190 words Our refrigerator is supposed to make sphere ice cubes, but instead makes Death Star ice cubes. 133 words Cafe I went to in Indianapolis is a no-tipping establishment 116 words The amount of vaccines the army pumped into me in the early 2000s. Never questioned any of it. I couldnt anyway! 174 words The cost of giving birth in my country 133 words The gap in my bedroom window became a pinhole camera 145 words Black Widow having lizard for dinner 112 words Work purchased a new UTV, I'm in love 256 words This sweet potato that looks like a human heart 149 words This bird poo looks like some limbless horror figure 360 words I was eating a bag of Swedish fish and got a sour patch kid with no sugar 120 words I made a really short ethernet cable 231 words Paint in the sunlight 161 words I took this picture of the Moon when it was physically close to the Earth's proximity and the terminator line was closing in (darkness on far right). The terminator line being nearby brought out the details more than other days. Mount Apenninus (giant mountain range) and Archimedes (top center). 212 words This ‘Mini’ evolution I saw in London 195 words An Apple cord where both ends are for ports that Apple has now killed. 123 words I got my huge pet snail a small pet snail 304 words At my local supermarket, the price of rum goes up as the naval ranking goes down. 188 words Me and my brother made a Bridge for school that held 65 pounds! 152 words My dog has a gene which causes his coat to progressively lighten with age. The first picture is 6 months, the second is 3 years old. 217 words I have Hyperhidrosis, which means my hands and feet sweat a lot. This is how my hands usually look