163 words Trump says briefings 'not worth the effort' amid fallout from disinfectant comments 207 words Bloomberg News Killed [Chinese] Investigation, Fired Reporter, Then Sought To Silence His Wife 282 words Trump extends federal social distancing guidelines to April 30 241 words The Democratic Party Is Collapsing. Just Like the Republican Party Did. - The Bulwark 142 words 2020 Iowa Caucus Discussion Thread 121 words Andrew Yang releases his healthcare plan that focuses on reducing costs 211 words Pelosi says House may withhold impeachment articles, delaying Senate trial 116 words Illinois bill would allow for gun ownership to be disqualified based on alarming social posts 177 words Stop Foreign Interference in Our Elections 179 words New Rule: Nowhere Else to Go | Real Time with Bill Maher 232 words Serious question: Why did Giuliani choose to act the way he's now acting? 170 words (Meta Thread) It was the best of times, it was the worst of times... 189 words If This Isn’t Impeachable, Nothing Is. The President Reportedly Sought the Help of a Foreign Government against Joe Biden. 305 words Trump Repeatedly Pressed Ukraine President to Investigate Biden’s Son 128 words Why people are hostile to Donald Trump. 140 words Omar introduces resolution affirming 'right to participate in boycotts' ahead of possible vote on anti-BDS bill 205 words Ocasio-Cortez Makes Wild Claims About CBP Facility. Witnesses Fire Back. 228 words Republicans Don’t Understand Democrats—And Democrats Don’t Understand Republicans 778 words Truth Seeking, Democracy, and Freedom of Thought and Expression - A Statement by Robert P. George (R) and Cornel West (D), 2017 1,176 words Direct quote