On Bigotry; Mental Illness; Learning Disorders; and being Neural Atypical.

I read this. I read your response. I saw no point in continuing that thread. But there's a few things I do want you to understand.

  1. Every single comment, and every single post I had not commented on, had come from a place of legitimate concern for your well being.

  2. I have never made an derogatory remark towards you, or otherwise referenced you in a demeaning manner. It's regrettable that you inferred that position.

  3. This was the correct response to a person suggesting they had claims of hallucinations for over a decade. Investigation by a medical professional qualified to judge physical impairment is crucial. I am not that person, but I still feel like it is the right approach.

  4. Every time I asked this, I spent a good portion of the post making sure you understood that there is no shame, embarrassment, or attacks in medical conditions. It's a fact of life.

  5. The suggestion was made before you mentioned any history of mental impairment. There is no cause and effect here with your big reveal.

  6. After you surprisingly threw out your disability, I pointed out the definitions as found online. As stated elsewhere, multiple times, I'm not a medical professional, and this is not a diagnosis. Instead, I pointed to information on credible websites, with sources included. I did this to re-enforce my encouragement that you to seek out a qualified diagnosis from a professional in this field as the websites implied a possible link.

  7. Stop trying to change the argument. No one has said learning disabilities are caused by brain damage. Only that this link says this specific disability can be a symptom of brain disease or damage. You can disagree or agree with it as much as I can, but I didn't write this. I also didn't write this or this or this.

  8. Stop with the personal attacks. You using words like idiot, a chimp, or bigot in response to pleases and carefully worded concerns.

  9. Stop talking about your IQ or learning disorders. No one else is suggesting you're unintelligent. No one cares about your autism. That is not what this is about. It was never about this.

  10. You are not being attacked.

  11. You are not being attacked.

  12. You are not being attacked.

  13. You are not being attacked.

Now that the generalities are over, I'll get onto the specifics comments and questions you asked me to respond to.

  1. You argue that I'm not qualified to distinguish between dysgraphia or agraphia. Okay. I agree. My suggestion was still made before you mentioned your condition simply due to the claim of a decade long string of potential hallucinations.

  2. Bodies decay comment had no implication on your age. It was a literal statement. Human bodies change over time, often not for the better.

  3. I would be more than willing to pick up our conversation when it was on-point. Feel free to respond to that part of the thread here. You'll notice that I wasn't the person who ran off into the tangent as an effort to avoid the original question.

  4. Stop equating mental illness with a shameful condition. Would you tell someone who had brain cancer that they should be embarrassed? Alzheimer's? Depression? The obvious answer is no. As it is with this.


/r/mormon Thread