Having a hard time deciding to stay or leave the church over the new policy.. hard choices

Before you jump on the Mormon hate wagon, take the time to examine the policy, and what it's TRUE intent is. Do not look at it from a click bait title. Remember that the majority of these people getting upset, haven't even given any thought to why and just need a reason to be angry. The church's new policy is to keep the church from being used as a weapon to further alienate families. Take this example: Mormon Mother/Father divorce with children. Mother marries another woman. Father still takes the children to church. Mother then pleads to a judge that the father is using the church as a weapon. Mother get's father's parental rights terminated. This is a real life example. This could work in reverse as well, where Father says that Mother is using the church against him by not allowing the children to attend church. A judge could see it either way. Either way the church doesn't want to be a part of that, and that's not a bad thing. I have never seen such devout angry people. There have been enormous wins for the LBGT community, yet the controversy must continue in some way. Gay marriage was legalized from a legal standpoint (which I am actually pro, because i don't think it is an issue our government should even be concerned with); and I feel like they won't stop until is is accepted within religion as well. Furthermore: the church does not want to create any wiggle room to start justifying homosexuality within the church. The church's stance cannot change, as it defies fundamental doctrine. While homosexuals are not banned attending church or it's functions, the homosexual practice cannot be accepted as being appropriate for members of the church. While we all must show empathy and love; we must not allow that empathy to overcome the core principles of the church. Remember that this is not our church to change as we see fit. The church's stance must stay strong with the will of God. It may be difficult; but remember that God loves EVERYONE: gay, straight, black, brown, transexual, EVERYONE. With that knowledge, re-evaluate the purpose of the policy, and decide whether or not you think the policy was written to be hateful or damning.

/r/mormon Thread Link - ted.com