197 words MRW my mom asks me if I'm doing drugs 489 words MRW Republicans start turning on Trump 185 words MRW I find out that 50% of babies were born out of wedlock in 2013 187 words MRW I get denied an interview for an unpaid internship because I don't have enough experience 360 words When your friend starts blabbing about how wild you used to be in front of your new girl. 357 words MRW my best mate gets a new Gf and stops responding to texts 264 words MRW Rick Perry is chosen to replace a nuclear physicist as Secretary of Energy 284 words MRW Netflix added offline playback the same day that I am going on a 15 hour flight. 205 words As a Brit who voted remain 492 words MRW I went to a Madonna concert and before she started she went into a rant about how I should vote for Hilary Clinton. 309 words I foster service dog puppies. MRW my 18 month old goes back to the school on Friday and my 8 week old doesn't arrive for another 3 weeks. 404 words MRW the FineBros uploaded their "Update." video. 383 words MRW I work at a pet store and some lady asks for three dozen crickets and I say, "They come in 10s, is 30 okay?" and the woman says, "That's what I said, three dozen." 288 words MRW my wife and I have been at the mall for two hours already and she is slowly browsing in Bath and Body Works 108 words MRW I recognize a friend on reddit but all they post about is their favorite team and nothing controversial. 785 words MRW my mum is using my computer and types "p" in the URL bar 512 words MRW my final projects group tells me to stop nagging them about doing their parts of the final project, but when we get together two days before the project is do so that we can put the whole thing together, I'm the only one that'd actually done any work. 257 words MRW /r/Sweden passes the subscriber numbers of /r/Anal 799 words MRW I read about the beliefs of Scientologists 355 words MRW I hear Google is apparently making a Netflix competitor