MRW I read about the beliefs of Scientologists

Yeah, I think it is. One of the biggest tenets of Scientology is that psychiatrists, psychologists and therapists around the world are part of an evil conspiracy to brainwash our souls, and that the media, newspapers, music industry, are finance industry are psychiatric front groups.

The names and connections, at this time, of the bitterly opposing enemy are: 1. Psychiatry and psychology (not medicine). 2. The heads of news media, who are also directors of psychiatric front groups. 3. Key political figures in the fields of "mental health" and education. 4. A decline of monetary stability caused by the current planning of bankers who are also directors of psychiatric front organizations. (L. Ron Hubbard, "Targets, Defense", 16 February 1969)

Church members are forbidden from seeking therapy, associating with family members who seek therapy (the church pressured Tom Cruise to divorce Nicole Kidman because her father is a therapist and she wouldn't "disconnect" from him -- their term for cutting of all contact and disowning a person), or using psychiatric medication (which has led to deaths in their care). Churchgoers are actively encouraged to attack psychiatrists any way they can, mainly legally or through framing:

We want at least one bad mark on every psychiatrist in England, a murder, an assault, or a rape or more than one… This is Project Psychiatry. We will remove them. (L. Ron Hubbard, Church Memo 22 February 1966)

Psychiatristric patients, as supporters of psychiatry, are designated Suppressive Persons (SPs), about which the church says

Fair game. May be deprived of property or injured by any means by any Scientologist without any discipline of the Scientologist. May be tricked, sued or lied to or destroyed. (L. Ron Hubbard, Scientology Policy Letter "Penalties for Lower Conditions", 18 October 1967)


A truly Suppressive Person or group has no rights of any kind and actions taken against them are not punishable. (L. Ron Hubbard, "Ethics, Suppressive Acts, Suppression of Scientology and Scientologists", 1 March 1965)

This is a lot more extreme, dangerous, harmful, ridiculous than the tenets of any other significant religion. All religions have their dangerous extremists, but they're usually way out on the fringe -- it's official church policy for Scientologists to harass doctors and mental patients in any way they can, so the church's founder says. There's a museum in LA, "Psychiatry: An Industry of Death", dedicated to this, and around 140,000 children have been raised in the church to believe that this is the right thing to do.

The Church says that it can solve all medical problems with its techniques, that there is never a reason to go to doctors and that going to a doctor is a sign of a lack of faith and trustworthiness; a medical record can count against you when it comes time to climb The Bridge.

Scientology is the only specific (cure) for radiation (atomic bomb) burns. (L. Ron Hubbard, All About Radiation, 1952, p. 109, parentheses his)

Leukemia is evidently psychosomatic in origin and at least eight cases of leukemia had been treated successfully by Dianetics after medicine had traditionally given up. The source of leukemia has been reported to be an engram containing the phrase 'It turns my blood to water.' (L. Ron Hubbard, Journal of Scientology Issue 15-G, 1953)

It also advocates dangerously wrong/negligent medical advice, like

Not smoking enough will cause lung cancer! If anybody is getting a cancerous activity in the lung, the probabilities are that it's radiation dosage. (L. Ron Hubbard, Saint Hill Special Briefing Course 35, 19 July 1961)

And in less dangerous but still wacky/ridiculous territory, the church holds that math beyond the junior-high level does not exist, and is also manufactured by the psychiatric front groups as a way to keep body thetans in a state of confusion about the universe.

Rate of change is this mathematics known as Calculus. … Now I hope you understand this, because I've never been able to make head nor tail of it. It must be some sort of a Black Magic operation, started out by the Luce cult — some immoral people who are operating up in New York City, Rockefeller Plaza — been thoroughly condemned by the whole society. Anyway, their rate-of-change theory — I've never seen any use for that mathematics, by the way — I love that mathematics, because it — I asked an engineer, one time, who was in his 6th year of engineering, if he'd ever used Calculus, and he told me yeah, once, once I did, he said. When did you use it? And he said I used it once. Let me see, what did you use it on? Oh yeah. Something on the rate-of-change of steam particles in boilers. And then we went out and tested it and found the answer was wrong. (L. Ron Hubbard, Philadelphia Doctorate Course, Tape #58, November 1952)

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