MRW I work at a pet store and some lady asks for three dozen crickets and I say, "They come in 10s, is 30 okay?" and the woman says, "That's what I said, three dozen."

It's just customer services' for ya mate. All they do all day is listen to people moan. People calling us were our calls. So if you wanna disconnect WOT DEAL DO U HAVE and if we cant match it WELL THIS PHONE HAS A BETTER PROCESSOR, MORE RAM, FOR LESS MONEY, ETC. So I talked a lot more than the customer.

On their side, the customer talked more, mainly moaning lol. I'd just had enough of this particular woman, sounded like she was Nigerian or something and was going NO IM NOT GOING TO PAY, NO NOT LIABLE, IM NOT PAYING NO, OK IF I LEAVE UK HOW U GONA GET ME, FOR MY COUCH, WOT MY COUCH, NOT TAKE MY ITEMS', she was honestly barely coherent in saying that she isn't liable for a contract she's legally bound by.

And to make matters worse, IT WAS HURTING MY STATS, MY COMISSION. I was a loud mouth in that place, but most ppl loved me for the banter. Talking about what chips are in tesco, what cars you can get for how much you pay, how your rolex is fake.. all the typical 'lad' banter we used to have and the fact our calls weren't as frequent as customer services' just made some ppl secretly hate me. So when one lad was literally crying with laughter saying HAHAHA HE SAID HE'S GONA TAKE HER COUCH, they got wind of it and one little grass sent an email to his manager who forwarded it to my manager, who pulled me off the phones an said 'u know as well i do mate we're sat by them grasses, dont be daft', not in those terms or words as strong as that, but just like 'yeah its funny but do u understand why they're sending that, i know as well as u do they're jobsworths', then I went back and sat down thinking 'i hate being sat here', we moved our team anyway like the next week into a more secluded spot where I could women I have something that looks as beautiful as you sound, just for you.. lol.. and didn't get any grief from grasses saying HES MAKING SEXIST COMMENTS, or whatever they'd say.

Was a great job I had a great time there.

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