434 words What are some examples of pseudoscience or uncritical thinking that you think fool a lot of self-identifying skeptics? 334 words How does CO₂ warm the Earth? How do we know it's not the sun? 271 words Are Organic Foods Safer? 304 words Vilifying oil and gas is 'lazy' way to address climate change, says outgoing industry exec 342 words Here’s how you school climate deniers: The anti-science movement’s biggest fallacies, debunked 1,592 words Homeopathy! Skeptic Discussion Thread for the first week of May on Alternative Medicines. 284 words Today, I was banned from /r/FreeThought for following the rules and posting a scientific rebuttal of GMOs 742 words Today, I was banned from /r/FreeThought for following the rules and posting a scientific rebuttal of GMOs 558 words test post to /r/skeptic 294 words God’s Chosen Planet - Why creationists are praying we never find alien life. 274 words On the Importance of Skepticism in a Post-Truth World 413 words WTC 7 - BBC The Third Tower - Conspiracy Files - This video debunks every truther claim about the building 347 words WTC 7 - BBC The Third Tower - Conspiracy Files - This video debunks every truther claim about the building 1,181 words Atheist Ireland publicly dissociates itself from the harmful and hateful rhetoric of PZ Myers 783 words Posted this to r/atheism but should have come here: Need to crowd source some help to decouple someone from 'Kryon'. 929 words Skeptical take on Social Justice Warrioring 324 words AGW-deniers also seem to believe California should elect Republicans since those will make it rain (and stop the laws of physics related to evaporation) 365 words Science’s Big Scandal: Even legitimate publishers are faking peer review. 342 words California Wants To Make It Harder To Not Vaccinate. Here's Why You Should Help. 339 words Psychology and Psychotherapy: How Much Is Evidence-Based?