WTC 7 - BBC The Third Tower - Conspiracy Files - This video debunks every truther claim about the building

Well would anyone in the middle east Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, or Saudi Arabia have any benefit from the destruction of those towers and the subsequent wars? Would Saddam Hussein benefit? Osama Bin Laden? Al Qaeda? No. In fact in reailty things are now far worse for those people than they were before 9/11. Two of those people are dead, two nations have been crippled to the point of anarchy.

In fact the only thing that has occurred as a result of 9/11 IS the constant and perpetual state of war. The war on terror. If you know anything about military armaments, then this is their wet dream. Already the military has said they don't want anymore Abrahams tanks, but you have congress and lobbyists pushing for more.

So you're saying: the towers came down, we blamed Osama even though he said he didn't do it, we instate the patriot act, followed by the odd anthrax attacks of those who opposed it, we bomb the shit out of Afghanistan and Iraq, then we claim they have WMDs, even though they didn't, we stay there for a while, kill Saddam and Osama, destabilized the country, and then left.

So if you say that some fundamentalist Saudis and Osama Bin Laden were to benefit from 9/11, I would say the only thing that did for them was assure they were utterly destroyed.

Once again the only people who would benefit from a war is those who make weapons. Jesus just look at WW1 we became addicted to war as a means of production. We are a war mongering nation. We instigate in world affairs, even though in the long run it has been shown to cause hatred towards us.

So you want to talk about cruel attitude, just take you for justifying a war where innocent civilians ie"collateral damage" are killed as a byproduct of our just war. Because everything we do is just. Like blowing up brown people to make money. Oh wait, sorry I need to be more sensitive as you said. As we kill goatfuckers as you call them.

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