146 words A question I ask about conservatives all the time 193 words According to terfs, this meme of Lillie Zombielandsaga is hate speech. So be sure to share the fuck out of it to piss them off. Fuck terfs. 563 words Male privilege while being a transwoman analogy 170 words good to know a cis guy who self identifies as a trap is here to clear everything up folks! 198 words days without cis nonsense: 0 117 words days without cis nonsense: 0 180 words Lets remember the truth 139 words When you talk to any other trans person who passes 217 words I'm going "he/his" with a new job with a more conservative dress code but in a liberal city but in a possibly more conservative company. I hate wearing pants and look better in skirts and like the flexibility of feminine clothes in the work environment. Should I risk dressing femme? 403 words i literally just realized i accidentally indepentently made up a trans catgirl daydream character years ago and JUST NOW connected the dots 134 words cis acquaintances who know I'm trans: "it's so unfair that you can't find a job because you're a woman" 223 words Tr*p is a slur. Stop defending it. 155 words TFW ur trans & wish you didn't exist but ur mom had to do it to ya 129 words When you receive a letter from the Gender Identity Clinic saying they've accepted your referral but they cant give you an appointment for at least another 18 months 214 words Pikachu has some important news for any bootlickers out there! 211 words The transphobic kid in my class got the lowest grade on an exam and I got the highest grade on it. His eyes nearly popped out of his skull when I offered to help him study and told him my score. 137 words Oof 37 words 1000 upvotes and I'll publicly come out on Facebook as a trans service member to my conservative family and because I know that I won't get 1000 upvotes. 97 words Awww 224 words No. You cannot have a dick pic; Guys always be hitting' on me. (A conversation with a customer, on my work phone.