When you receive a letter from the Gender Identity Clinic saying they've accepted your referral but they cant give you an appointment for at least another 18 months

Tbh I'd rather not say bc internet privacy. Anyway I quickly checked your profile and you're 22. Over 18 hormones isn't the problem, it's because I'm 15 that I'm having issues.

When I got my first appointment at the only youth gender clinic in my state, I was just 15. I was told I was too old for blockers, but I couldn't have an appointment for T until at least a years time (due to the waiting list).

So now almost a year later after I've been forced to watch as puberty caused permanent and distressing changes, no mention of an upcoming hrt appointment.

I'm finally almost old enough to go through the (mostly) informed consent route.

Anyway sorry for the rant, I have a lot of pent up anger about this topic.

/r/traaaaaaannnnnnnnnns Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it