118 words Get me hooked on your world in 8 sentences or less. In other words, tell me the 8 most interesting things about your world, that would get me to inquire further. 160 words Understated Threats 129 words What do you think of this idea. 412 words What's your take on precursor races in fantasy settings? 938 words [Onyx Black] I like collating all my information in OneNote, here's one of the main characters from my next novel. 231 words World without violence, does that sound dumb? 142 words So I'm trying learn more about "Corporatocracy" and I'm wondering how can it work as a Coalition of corporations? 240 words Who is your world's most famous Explorer/Adventurer? What did he do to earn him the title? 242 words A friend showed me this tweet and it got me thinking. Can you answer each of these questions for YOUR Magic System? 334 words The Three Protagonists 186 words Tell Me About a Wildcard From Your World 123 words What are some tropes or ideas that you've attempted to reconstruct with your world? How did you go about doing so? 195 words Pick a god in your world, then tell me three or five thing about them. 241 words Is it weird if I mix and match various fantasy stock races together into a single race? 185 words Any assassin guilds in your world? 194 words Do your world have the Primarch equivalents? 215 words Orphans, immigrants and the elderly - What happens to those who society forgets about? [X-post /r/DarkWorldbuilding] 288 words Tell me about a day in the life of an average person in your world. 225 words Question: What are your influences? 162 words This is a map I designed for a more whimsical fantasy world I've been building. Thoughts?