A 1/10? Really? Episode was peak. Lets show MAPPA some love here guys.

Hey guys,I'm new here.

I decided to leave r/ANRime after today.

As a long time Hopechad,My expectations for an AOE grew smaller and smaller.I decided to join this subreddit because it seemed to be a much calmer and peaceful place as compared to r/ANRime. I have come to realise slowly that an AOE is just not possible anymore. After the recent episode,i kinda lost most of my hope. I should have just enjoyed the show without theorising too much about it. And yes,i do a little trolling. In the r/ANRime subreddit,i have started acting like i actually care about aoe just to gain some more karma and stuff like that.

But at this point,I'm done with it.

I'm excited to join this subreddit because I'm starting to realise that the ending wasn't that bad all along.

I'm kinda excited,I hope I'm welcome.

/r/AttackOnRetards Thread Link - i.redd.it