20 Year Old Looking For My Wolf Pack

First I would take almost everything these guys say with a pinch of salt. They use outrage to manipulate social media algorithms which are tuned to promote outrage in the name of increasing the engagement metrics. This is how they make their money and that should be the starting frame of reference you have for everything they say. The sooner you learn this the better off you will be.

The "traditional" values espoused by these characters are from a darker time and like everything in the world the more we collectively learn the more opportunity we have to improve ourselves from within all the way out to society and beyond. Most traditional values aren't worth holding onto at face value as they come with a lot of baggage. You can be a good man/woman/non-binary person who takes care of the people you love, turns up every day and is reliable without being also being a misogynist. There is beauty in imperfection and power in diversity. The most important thing is that you respect yourself and those around you and you act consistently based on those fundamentals. That means not imposing your will and not allowing others to impose theirs on you. That is it in a nutshell. You don't need a social media influencer to tell you this and you especially don't need guidance from social media influencers with such destructive world views.

Now to answer your question for life guidance that is useful I would like to recommend Stoicism. Here are 2 copy, pastes from others site about it:

The Stoics believed that our wealth, status, power, possession and stature are neither good or bad, and they have no social importance with respect to our relationships with one another. We are equals. They held that external differences, such as rank and wealth, are of no importance in social relationships. Your thoughts and beliefs create the world you inhabit, not external circumstances, so you ought to take responsibility for your mind.

The most famous Stoic writings are from the Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius and are published in a book called Meditations which is still in print. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Meditations

Stoicism has stood the test of time as a guiding philosophy for many great people throughout history and doesn't come with the knee-jerk reactionary baggage of modern times.

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