Mother's Day Mega Thread! BEC? Small Rant? Don't Want To Make Your Own Post? This Is The Place!

Last year, hubby surprised me and made Mother's day about me only, and since it was also our wedding anniversary. He got flowers delivered to me from the kids (they were a toddler and a six-month old baby at the time), made meals, just gave me an awesome day. I was on cloud nine. We called both of our moms and wished them happy mother's day, but wouldn't see them today and would see them another time. My mom wished us well and made plans for another time, because she is amazing. My MIL was frosty and tried to hide how mad she was, but didn't do a good job. I ignored it. She wasn't going to ruin my high.

A week later, we go to see my MIL for lunch. Husband got out of ear shot, and my MIL found the opportunity to blast me with the hugest guilt trip I have ever heard. MIL - "How could you not go see your mothers on Mother's day? (Clarification: She gives no shits about my mom. She meant to say - HOW COULD YOU NOT SEE ME ON MOTHER'S DAY?!?!) You don't respect ME! How could Son buy you flowers? You're not his mother! I am not going to be here forever! You need to HONOR ME" Me - "I'm sorry you were so hurt (total non-apology). I am a mother too, right? So, we do not get to celebrate Mother's day AND my wedding anniversary the way we choose? Did you remember it was our anniversary? I thought it was nice to have a husband who HONORED his wife, but I guess he is just a bad son to you" She gave no fucks about her son being a good husband to me. HER DAY WAS RUINED!!!! WWWWAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!

So, this year I am making the day before Mothers's day my day. I am getting my hair done, having special time with my kids, then going out for dinner with other mom friends.

Is it what should happen? Not at all. But, I will never win. The bruja can have her day if its so important to her. I'm picking my battles. Sigh.