How Liquid Death Went From a "dumb idea" to a $700Million Company

This is so typical of this sub these days - " yeAH BUt he was already a high flying exec and had BIG CONNECTIONS! "

How do you think he got those connections and landed a role as CREATIVE DIRECTOR in the first place?

There are plenty takeaways from this post and at no point does OP imply that "all you need is a good idea"

The dude spotted a huge gap. Inappropriately branded products. Ran a shitload of smart Guerrilla market campaigns. Broke into a notoriously difficult segment absolutely dominated by the world's most powerful corporations. You can easily throw all the VC money/connections on Earth at the drinks industry and get absolutely nowhere. This post doesn't do a disservice to budding entrepreneurs. It clearly shows them a snapshot of how to work unusual angles, with limited resources and leverage new ideas to break into an extremely tough market. For anyone with an ounce of creativity, this can be enough to give them a spark to apply that to their own industry.

What does a disservice to budding entrepreneurs is the toxic defeatist attitude of this sub and the people that inhabit it.

/r/EntrepreneurRideAlong Thread Parent