Universities across the country have begun actively pushing polyamory on campus, encouraging students to be more “affirming” of non-monogamous relationships and instructing them to view polyamorous relationships as an acceptable lifestyle choice.

Institutionalized racism is ugly and pornographic. Here, deviant sex is used, as every other strange and twisted topic in the modern era, to bash "white people" and their "white ways." In this case, a vapid class of callow students will be programmed to reflexively “deconstruct the ‘ideal’ and privileged relationship ... that is straight, monogamous, married or heading that way, presumably white and middle to upper class." No university education is complete without having to learn to boldly hate normality in all things. Students in the past preferred poisoned Kool aide. Now the kids with properly oiled brains are forced to swill green gender fluid turned toxic by an evil environment. This will not end well.

This is brave. It's like declaring literacy represents an "ideal' and "privileged" relationship with knowledge. Reading books is just a typical example of white society's oppression of the illiterate peoples of color. Headspace in the heads of the youth is a terrible thing to waste. Stupidity slathered in academic jargon is still stupidity. It seems there are two primary issues. One is the Left's demand that government "stay out of the bedroom." Everyone should agree with that. The Left's argument for sexual freedom doesn't end there. They say agents of the state should stay out of the bedroom but, at the same time, demand government require taxpayers fund the fruits of such unregulated, unjudged, university taught, anything is acceptable, lifestyle choices. The typical leftist wants an all powerful Big Brother who watches, waits and does nothing when they experiment with their nasty selves in all sorts of unnatural. As soon as those actions cost money, the perverts ways that necessarily impose a cost on the people in a privileged relationship, that is straight, monogamous, married or heading that way, presumably white and middle to upper class taxpaying citizens.

/r/Conservative Thread Link - dailycaller.com