Over online play, people use their anonymity to use racial, sexual, and any other type of slur to demean another player. I'm interested in obtaining first hand accounts of people who were on the receiving end of it. Could you share them?

I find it kind of interesting, reading your posts. It's interesting that, while I agree with some parts and disagree with other parts, >just reading that someone believes that women cannot play at high levels instills in me a very great frustration. I want to prove you wrong
Look at that, a healthy reaction. And make no mistake, its not that I want to see women fail, nor am I saying that they cannot succeed. I am just calling it as I see it. Reality proves me right in this case, but I hope to be proven wrong. Twice the playerbase means twice the amount great games, teams and players to root for/against. It would benefit everyone.

If you fall once, people will pull that card.
Haters gonna hate. No amount of feminism gone too far will save you this, sorry princess.

Heck, even if you are flawless people will accuse you of sleeping with someone to get where you are in the ranks.
How does spreading your legs help you climb ladders or advancing in invitationals/tournaments? If you are good enough to belong on the team you will have plenty of chances to do that. You really are putting too much weight on peoples opinions. This is not a political election, its about winning games.

You might win matches, but the competitive environment is VERY toxic, especially for women. It's not worth it for the amount of grief you'll get for being a woman in competitive, unless you really want to prove people wrong.
See right here? you did not have the passion to stick with it, other people do. Dont blame your own failures on the system. If you were to start over in your ambitions, I would say that ýou need to drop the idea that going competetive should be exciting or romantic in some way. It's not. The road is filled with loneliness, doubters, haters and hardships, just like pursuing any other professional career. Because thats what it is, a career. Your attitude had you set for failure before you even tried. You thought this would be easy? then why did you quit once it got hard? you did not have the passion for it, simple as that.

in addition to all the other normal opposition players face to go into comp.
Yeah, good point. Still, you wont be the one that helped change this notion, you are just another faceless victim that no one will remember or truely care about. How does that make you feel?
And, you'll also have a smaller support group
What.... are... you... even.... support group?? You think guys have some kind of 24/7 hotline to call if they're feeling down because someone hurt their feelings online? If anything you should have it easier with all the SJW and white knights running around. Now dont think I am confusing white knights with having someone truely care about you, but how many guys do you seriously believe have someone they can burden with their emotions? Shit, even in life this is a notoriously well known fact of what it is like being a boy. You dont have 'support groups' to talk to when you're feeling down. If you want to have your female problems acknowledged, then you should probably start by acknowleding common male problems, because now you are coming across as either amazingly blind and naive, self-entitled beyond belief, or a troll. Your thought out post and good grammar makes me doubt the third option though.
And while we're talking about comp teams, I saw a stream once with women competitive teams and the castors continuously put the down on the stream while they were playing! And it wasn't just, "oh they play badly," it was "oh they play badly because they're women," and comments on their appearance.
You show me a stream that behaves like this, and I will show you a stream that will shortly be taking heavy flak from people of the community, regardless of gender. What you are describing is truely fucked up and I just cannot believe that they went unscathed after acting like that in front of the cameras and all.
I have mad respect for those other women who are in comp, they're the ones paving the way for other women to follow.
you can argue that men are "better" at games
Yes, because they top the leaderboards, and they are the one with their names written on huge cheques during the award ceremonies.
How can you say that "women are worse at video games"
Because they dont top the leaderboards, and they are not the ones with their names written on huge cheques during the award ceremonies.
So here we have a tournament that women don't want to join, because it's not a "true" tournament, it's a "women's" tournament.
So go join the "true" tournament then.
And then at the same time because the "true" tournament is less accessible to women, women don't want to join the "true" tournaments.
So join no tournament at all, and then make long and seemingly well thought-out posts on reddit about the patriarchy standing in the way of your e-sports dreams.

because they imply that women can't be on the same level as men.
How is this not entirely and exclusively the fault of women themselves? I have already pointed out the hilarious hipocrisy of women not wanting to join either or, but they (you) still expect to be taken seriously.

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