In 2019, why is “LGBT friendly” still a main selling point for FC recruitment?

Yeah it's 2019, it's not like trans players are still getting the hurt durr fake e-girl treatment. Oh wait, they are. Like, on this very sub and with positive karma.

It's 2019, so I could totally be in a random FC and share things that make me really happy or sad, most of which happen to be transition related because transition's an emotional rollercoaster. If I did that, there's no way any of the local neckbeards would start complaining that I'm shoving my gender in their faces.

Sure there are decent FCs full of decent people where that doesn't happen, but I think it's reasonable that I appreciate when they advertise it. Saves me a lot of trial and error.

So, you know how there's a whole bunch of letters in LGBTIA+ ? The idea is that they'd stand in solidarity with one another. This is the part where you have what you need and you show solidarity to those of us who don't instead of trying to convince the rest of the world we don't exist.

Really, fuck you sincerely,

The T in LGBT.

/r/ShitpostXIV Thread