Share your worst/funniest FC breakups!

My story is a bit... different.

I joined these guys way back in the end of 1.0. Helped sub for an LS member of theirs while trying to clear Ifrit EX and ended up getting a relic weapon with them in 1.0, which was a big deal. Ended up joining their FC when 2.0 launch because we had gotten along really well. FC did it's best to run itself officially. We had the primary raiding group, of which I was a part of, and we'd always take time to sub in other members when ones in the primary got their loot. A pretty good community.

Then Heavensward rolls around, and "for fairness" they decide to mix up the primary group, and create a second official group to raid alongside. I was dropped from the primary raid group and put in secondary. Didn't matter to me as everyone had pretty good skill levels. But the FC leader they put in charge of schedule making apparently didn't actually bother to check if the people in the secondary group they dropped me in were available, and didn't care enough to recruit new members. At this point the FC stopped acting officially and basically just became an FC of friends. We stopped all recruitment and "official" raiding, and they basically made the primary group they kicked me from just a static among them, and I ended up just joining a new static. Which I quit for being too casual, and joined another... where I was kicked for being "too casual."

Now here's where mine gets weird...

Flash forward to the 2016 elections.

The majority of members in my FC begin to plummet further and further left of the political spectrum. Discord is flooding with anti Trump, anti Nazi, communist talk, making fun of "white nationalists", making fun of "racists". They call themselves communists, openly declare themselves SJWs, and basically make it so I can't even escape the current political climate even in XIV. The FC discord is constantly whining about every god damned political thing that is happening in the world with an extremely hard left bias, and any sort of discussion or attempt at clearing up facts or making situations or news stories clearer, are met with either contempt and straight up insults towards you, or "lol just a meme don't take it so seriously" excuses. I don't align myself anywhere in particular politically, I've never even voted before as I find myself highly uneducated on most political subjects, but I found the bias hard to ignore and rather than counter point, I would mostly just try to make stories clearer so my FC wouldn't end up looking like complete idiots when stories break loose.

It is at this time that one FC member I once considered a good friend just straight up called me a pedophile out of no where. And not a single person speaks out against her.

I blacklist her, I mute the Discord, I drop it to the bottom of my channel list, and I vent to my current static who are incredibly nice and emotionally supportive.

Due to a discord stalker I had to switch accounts, and haven't bothered to get myself re invited. I'm still in the FC, but mostly for only 2 reason. I find it too painful, after so many years and good memories to just officially leave, as there are still members who haven't outright insulted me, and also because I'd want to then join my static's main FC, but thats on another server, and I don't want to lose myself.

/r/ShitpostXIV Thread