2033 low 5 star recruiting 26-50

SDSU offers J. Sinclair #37


School Visit Week 2

Location: You'll find that the same beautiful warm weather, the same demographics, the same beautiful sandy beaches and brilliant sunset views you've come to love through the first 18 years of life, as we'll play at least 6 home games each season you're here,

Prestige: U was directly responsible for one of the biggest prestige hikes in NZCFL history, as I took SDSU from the bottom of the NZCFL totem pole to one of the most prestigious schools. I'm ready to do the same thing at UCLA., as we'll go back to winning primetime and marquee games against big opponents. Our prestige will rise into the top 30 through your tenure as a Bruin.

Campus: UCLA is a school that is proud of its traditions, including late night bonfires and a school-wide rally on the eve of games against the hated Trojans, rubbing the paw of Bruin Bear in the middle of campus, and taking a picture with the John Wooden Statue. Few schools possess such enjoyable traditions with the same history, and I promise that our talent rank will increase at least 3 spots while you're here.

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