AITA for telling my parents they should pay me a salary or an allowance? I live rent free with them and they pay for all my needs already

What is this? You're being an asshole to yourself! You can have more control over your life - autonomy must be taken, it is not handed to you.

They're expecting your work in return for keeping a roof over your head but surely you can do better!

-Get a job. A minimum wage job, anything -Tell them you're going to be moving out and won't be working in the shop any more. They won't be able to evict you right away so you'll have a few weeks to stash a couple of paychecks which you can use for rent etc.. -Find a cheap place to live. A room in a flat share / house share. -Move out -Gain your independence!

ESH right now. They're taking advantage and you're letting them.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread