210928 Sports World - Blockberry Creative in serious financial difficulties of billions of won, including non-payment of taxes, wages, and service costs

Thai is a very hopeful reply but I don’t know how realistic it is.

BBC has been in financial trouble for a while because of the lawsuit. They are a subsidiary and while it seems the big company could afford to bail them out here does not seem to be much financial sense to do so unless huge restructuring takes place.

There has been a lot of overspending that has not been recouped with sales such as the pre-debut project.

Remember the big coming is an arms company. I think BBC was a step in diversification but if it doesn’t work out then I don’t think they will pump money into it. If it fails, it fails and you don’t become a successful company by pumping money into a failing subsidiary. If they close BBC then they would not care about goodwill or reputation in the industry, they’ll release all the trainees and therefore they won’t care how it looks to the entertainment industry as they will no longer be in it.

Lots of entertainment companies go bust in Korea, even ones backed by big companies, it’s nothing that rare or embarrassing as idol groups often fail.

Therefore I think there are two more realistic scenarios:

  1. BBC survives with new staff, lower budget and some restructuring. I don’t think emmenés will leave as I agree that that would upset the fanbase too much but we may not get as extravagant comebacks or side projects in the future.

  2. BBC is dissolved, some more popular members resign to new agencies.

I am hoping for the first scenario.

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