230218 Weekly Discussion Thread

I agree to the legacy thing.

But by all means, I think orbits are allowed to be negative and frustrated with Kpop, in this specific moment and at this specific sub.

And because of the love we have for the girls, there's clearly an anger within a fandom. You can call it petty or bitter. But anyone who has nothing but love for the girls is justified to feel incredibly frustrated to see people talk about loona with nothing but pities and alternatives to LOONA (I am not directing this toward anyone in this sub). Especially this anger doesn't come from nowhere, people have done this LOONA multiple times whenever newer groups come up (not even about JJ's group, I must specify).

Yves said that she knew people would move but she wished people would look back loona fondly. That's not the case I have seen so far with LOONA ever since Butterfly or even Girls Front.

But the girls are human and deserved to be remembered than a sound, a concept or whatever these people have in their head. They deserve to be treated with kindness and respect whether you grew out of their music.

I think orbits are extremely defensive about everything is for a reason. And I don't blame any of us feeling so.

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