221219 Dispatch - "Is it a right or a power abuse?"... Chuu, the whole story of 'LOONA' incident"

Okay, with further context, if the leaks were from BBC's side as an attempt as a hit piece. LMAO.

A young 20 smth woman being a little big mean to people power over her about not being communicated about activities or how she was being paid properly is not abuse.

All this has shown is how poorly activities were managed on top of how BBC bit off more than they could chew leading to a situation where the girls ate costs for the company. Glad to hear Chuu FINALLY got paid this year for all the work that she does.

I will say I dislike the "I think this behavior is justified!" train, because it seems like everyone is stressed and I don't like the idea that taking out resentment on upper management decisions on the people just trying to get things done is correct. These are not the people responsible for the way things are.

Director D can catch these hands though, because that is deeply unprofessional and anything Chuu said in response was simply matching their tone not "verbal abuse".

/r/LOONA Thread Link - n.news.naver.com