25F. unfiltered opinions, pretty please.

You have lots of friends and an active social life. Anyways...

There is something that sticks out conspicuously to me. It's about your body. It's really weird too because I have not seen this in people except those that have suffered some sort of severe nerve damage and partial limb paralysis...

It's your legs and knees! They're not symmetrical in size. In every photo that has your legs visible (go check... I'll wait) the lower thigh on the left is narrower than the one on the right. Same for the knees. The knee on the right is freaking thick. The one in the left seems to be appropriately sized in proportion to the test of your body.

Perhaps you had an injury that left one leg immobilized for a long time. Perhaps you simply favor one leg over the other. Maybe the narrower leg is atrophied. I have no idea. It just looks weird and draws my eyes.


/r/Rateme Thread Link - imgur.com