3 rejections within the span of 1 hour, I’m seriously doubting my qualifications

It sounds like you're applying for government jobs. It doesn't matter what political party is in power, *all* government offices are filled with conservative voters.

I suspect that you're a left-leaning voter & you've been either intentionally or unintentionally revealing this by what you've written about yourself in your resume.

If you make it to an interview, conservatives filter out liberals by touching on politically sensitive topics that have been in the news, if you don't react like a conservative, you won't be getting the job.

Trying hinting that you're a conservative, you'll have a much easier time finding a government job. Just don't be too blatant about it since they'll want to avoid people who will expose them with carelessness.

ie: virtually every cop who ever walked this Earth is a violent offender, a bigot & hate-criminal but you won't get the job if you walk in bragging that you're in the KKK. You have to be subtle.

Now that you know this, are you sure you actually want to work with those people?

/r/BCPublicServants Thread