4 years difference. Friends don't let friends become liberals

Very sad, a normal girl next door, into arts and crafts and now a shadow of her former self. This society has devalued everything, absolutely everything, that is charming, innocent, or wholesome. Everything is devalued for a sense of entitled self worth. Pursuing a unique sense of individuality and political righteousness, she has been hoodwinked into a movement that betrays the evolution of the self for a beehive serving it's queen. Being conned, she praises her individuality, considering she is now a fulfilled and complete individual worthy of admiration. This does nothing for her self esteem, it only reinforces it's own narcissistic self negativity, seeking nothing of value other than the approval of so called peers. If only she could stare 60 years into the future and consider the inevitability of the choir invisible. If she were wise enough to ask just two questions, they should be: 1- "who out of all these people that I have known in life will give a single flying fuck when I pass away, 7 billion people will not miss me, at most the 2 or 3 people that I call dad, mom, brother or sister" 2- "if I deem the wholesome as bad, the good as evil, the righteous as bigots, love as hate, then how can I expect, in the trial of death, to not be judged as the very things I bring to judgement". The folly of it all is she has no idea, none at all, what is being said about her behind her back - she will reconsider who her real friends are.

/r/The_Donald Thread Link - i.redd.it