44 item drive up order

My question for you would be, why are you punishing people at all? If you're going about things the sensible way, you'd be pulling your OPU guys aside, respectfully explaining why them stowing things out of location or not using their heads when bagging items is negatively affecting you and your team while also listening to any concerns or explanations they have, and then if it's a consistent behavior after an attempt at training has been made, you'd escalate to official coaching... and if official coaching doesn't work, then yeah, Target isn't the place for them and you should have enough coaching on record to term them, right?

You come across as vindictive and extremely disrespectful to your coworkers. I don't give a shit if these guys are doing this stuff intentionally, you should be treating your coworkers with a baseline of professional respect (protip: dropping slurs and digging your heels in when people call you out is very, very far below that level of professional respect, and you should really tread carefully with the slur stuff especially considering I'm pretty sure FLSA doesn't cover what you're saying if you're a team lead or actually have the authority to punish people, and I doubt Target would like one of their representatives using ableist language). You should have the emotional maturity to realize that you're not the only one who has a hard time at work, you're not the only one who's stressed out, that it's extremely unfair to take the position that, because you feel your job is harder than someone else's, that gives you some authority to punish them for making mistakes.

/r/Target Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it