Is 4k right for me?

I own both a 1440p GSYNC monitor, and a 4K display and I love them both. 4k is nice, but I wouldn't trade my 1440p GSYNC. In fact, if I had to advise anyone on a gaming monitor, 1440p IPS GSYNC is the way to go. It's just amazing.

4K is nice, but I mainly use it for console ports and games that run on a potato. Stuff like Dishonored 2, Inside, Witcher 3. Games where I don't care if I get between approx. 45 FPS.

Everything else, Battlefield 1, Overwatch, Doom, etc. I play that in 1440p and those titles all look fantastic at that resolution. 4K is kind of jaw-dropping. I'm playing Dishonored 2 at that resolution now, and it's immersive as fuck.

But, there are things I like better about the other display. My 1440p display has better contrast, etc. So even though the resolution is lower, the picture quality is better. Fuck! I digressed.

I guess what I'm saying is. Take a deep breath. Think it over, and really consider trying something like the Acer's 1440p GSYNC IPS. I think it's called

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