557: The Birds and the Bees

I'm a little late listening to this episode but I finally did and became very sad listening to Act Two. I felt like Kadijah's dad's point of view perpetuated an extremely harmful mindset by teaching children from the very start to separate people of different races into completely different categories. The type of attitude he had was so regressive that I can’t even believe it made it on to this show. I feel like as a whole it focuses solely on the negative items of racial history and evaded any kind of positive reconciliation. Her "church story" was the perfect example of the type of effect this has. His stance was very much an "eye for an eye" type of stance that is seeking to have every white man bow down to him because of the color of his skin. This type of attitude is the same as the one he is condemning!

Additionally, I understood where Kamau Bell was coming from with teaching his kids about race, but I did also disagree with what he said (and maybe it was just how he said it). "The race pool is filled with positive stories of black achievement, African American role models, books and TV shows featuring diverse characters. Our race pool even has Kwanzaa." What if, instead of JUST teaching this one perspective on human race, we taught kids about how people from all colors, social economic backgrounds, and genders rose up to do great things in the world? In essence, what if we taught them about how people can be great, and wonderful, (and also terrible and mean), REGARDLESS of the color of their skin?

What if from the very start we taught children that we are all human beings?? And that people are unique and come in all different colors, shapes, sizes, backgrounds, and cannot be put into a box ??

Just a thought.

/r/ThisAmericanLife Thread Link - thisamericanlife.org