"Abashed the devil stood, and felt how awful goodness is."

Every where the Satanist finds them self they presented with this unavoidable, ultimate truth. That goodness, the holy, the beautiful, all that is good, all that is lovely, that is filled with the so called god. Are in fact truly horrid and terrible awful.

Really? See, what I see, from LaVey on, is a whole lot of cherry-picking of what it means to be, let's say, Christ-like, wherein this involves mere self-abnegation and self-sacrifice. There is also a principle:

Self-indulgent people who live moment-to-moment concerned only with their own whims, will be regarded as such by others, and often shunned by those who could provide opportunity, enrichment, companionship, and friendship. A whole lot of this smacks of something satanists stand in front of a mirror telling themselves.

It is one thing to look at a Christian and say, man, you're denying yourself all of this sex, and how horrible for you that you do that in the name of your God. In terms of charity, generalized altruism, and so on, it has not been my experience that Christians at their most Christ-like (which I differentiate from the mere pose of being Christian), experience a sort of joy those who are concerned with self-indulgence rarely experience. I say this as an atheist: satanists I have met, have - on average (lest anyone play this dumb semantic game of assuming I mean every single one, which no one ever does) - been miserable sons of bitches seeking justification for all of the things that made them shunned and marginalized: "I am shunned because I am a satanist; because like Prometheus I stand for freedom and individualism!" rather than, "I am shunned because I am a dick, and I am tired of feeling like shit about myself, therefore let me find a satisfying philosophy to demonstrate that people fear my virtue", such as it is - the virtue of selfishness, of being no God's bitch, and so on.

It is 2015 and Satanists are rebelling against the social pressures of 1966, even still. Every day I look around and I see nothing but self-indulgence, vengeance, lust, and all of the things satanists pretend are still revolutionary things to stand for. 37 million accounts were just leaked from AshleyMadison, a site dedicated to facilitating adultery. This is a satanic era. How are you enjoying it? You largely got what you wanted; religion is on the decline everywhere and everyone is living for himself, and shunning people that annoy them. They may not call it satanism, or understand it for what it is, but the world is far closer to a satanist's wet dream now than it ever was.

  • That within the teachings of Christians, the life of the Jews, the culture of Islamic, the abuse of the Mormons is nothing more than the loss of everything that makes you into a self reliant, truly self acshulized individual. Truly capable of making up their own mind.

Horse hockey. True perhaps of Islamic cultures. True perhaps of insular, irregular polygamist Mormon sects, but it has never been simpler to leave religion than now.

Most Mormons could buy and sell the average satanist several times over. Ditto most Jews. Most Christians, I don't know about. Claiming that somehow these old religions are always this ball and chain is so ridiculous as to be barely worthy of comment.

If you want to find religious people who have been beaten down by their religion, you'll find them. But nearly every wealthy person I've met has professed a belief in god, or at least membership in a church. Money is not the only measure of success, I know, but the hyperbole of your statement sounds like wishful thinking.

This is the ultimate truth found within that which is most awful. That which is hidden from view, and shunned by all the up right caring truth filled people of this world. That sin, that evil, that darkness brings with it the ability to live our lives free from judgment, free from the control of another. Free from any and all things that would take our life away from any place except that which we dictate at our own will's discretion.

There is a small minority - one far smaller than the numbers of satanists out there - who truly live free of the concern of others judgments. It'd be interesting to know how many wounded egoes exist out there because Anton LaVey thought they were loopy and shunned them at his doorstep. The only thing which changes is whose judgment affects us.

I know from just watching satanists online how much contempt so many of you have for other satanists - satanists considered posers or misfits or weak and aimless suburban males.

Ayn Rand said: "Judge, and prepare to be judged."

I am sure most satanists insist they live without caring of the judgment of others. I say: bullshit. Maybe you don't care what some TV evangelist thinks of you, but I guarantee the dumb-shit alpha-beta-gamma hierarchy games play out in any agglomeration of occultists, wherever they gather - and there is ample evidence of this written by occultists about the dumb political games which occur, all of which involve some form of judgment.

That control real control comes with, comes through sin. That we are able to decide for self what is and is not best.

Beyond sex, what do you mean? Thievery, cheating? I know sex is mainly what people have in mind when they say it, even though they mean something bigger. What sins do you commit on a daily basis that make you feel so damn jiggy?

The satanist is always at war ALWAYS.

The satanist sounds like a fucking bore, if this is the case, because the same is true of every altruistic political radical for whom the individual means nothing and the struggle means everything. "The front line is everywhere." That wasn't a satanist, that was fashionable Marxists Rage Against the Machine.

The world is not as threatened by you as you think. The world is not as concerned with how you live as you think. People who know nothing about satanism nonetheless live your code more than you think.

Because a Satanist is expected at every moment to defend what they believe in.

No they are fucking not. Go to any gathering of disaffected teenagers and throw a rock; a betting man knows there's a good chance you'll hit a satanist. You're ranting on reddit now and no one gives a shit. I'm giving you what you want, an argument, but generally speaking, if you find people insisting you defend at every moment what you believe in, my suggestion is move out of your parents fucking basement, get a job, and rent your own apartment.

Because I assure you, you do that, you'll never encounter anyone who gives a shit what you do.

Every country, every region, every state, every city, everyone allocated to the right hand path seeks to control information. To stifle the very flow of knowledge to prevent people from forming their own opinion, thus keeping the masses in a controlled and uneducated format.

And never in history have they been more pathetically impotent. People like you would have been burned at the stake 300 years ago. Now you have websites, blogs, forums, meetups, and, if you really want it, tax-deductible organizations, chaplains in the military to minister to you. Never has it been easier to google "Nine Satanic Statements" and read them for free. Why, you don't even have to do the epic journey to WALDENBOOKS to read them anymore.

Never forget that you were made for sin.

Or that you are, like the rest of us, basically South Park characters who can be drawn with a few polygons real cute-like, place in a small town, and be a curiosity.

Always be on alert and ready to defend your beliefs.

Yeah, yell them at the top of your lungs like your local Fox News watcher, or Marxist, or whatever. Because the front line is everywhere, dude.

For knowledge is sin, knowledge is light, and Satan brings the light.

But before you do all of that, make sure you got your rent ready, and make sure you got a place to pay rent on. Or even property taxes if you are truly an ascended master of the dark arts.


/r/UnderstandingSatanism Thread