Absolute best Keystone Mastery for illabae?

Whatever winrate you present to me is invalid for the argument because we both know that almost no one plays it, and thus, most likely don't know how to play her well in the jungle. The sample pool will also be very low, which is exactly what you said earlier at my 5-10 games.

The sample pool will probably consist of mostly OTP's being forced into jungling sometimes, which would probably make them better than the average Illaoi/Darius jungle. None the less, the stats are skewed, towards one side.

I've yet to see you provide a good argument against her good clear speed and sustain. Your winrate statistics are irrelevant because they do not measure the skill of the individual, but the average. You can have Ryze lying with a 40% winrate across most elos, while you got a handful OTP in diamond with 70% winrate.

I got nothing against that. But clearing a jungle is one thing, any champion can safely clear a jungle with tailored masteries/runes, while fewer champions can actually gank well. Saying a champion jungle well and to success because you clear a jungle well or because you've had good success on her in 5-10 normal games provide nothing to the discussion about her being a decent jungler or not.

Personal skill triumphs the statistics. I can play ADC Ahri and do really well and I can name why she is good as an ADC; mobility, CC, innate laning sustain. You can choose to disregard these facts and look at statistics, but they don't provide hard facts like: Illaoi can sustain the jungle with Hunter's Talisman very well and her tentacles with W gives her one of the highest clear speeds in the game. You can't deny this, therefore you attempt to poke irrelevant angles in my argument because you're more focused on being right rather coming to a higher conclusive truth.

Yeah, it does. But at some point you're gimping yourself, because certain things can only get you so far. If you're putting 2 equally skilled junglers, laners, ADC's whatever up against eachother, the meta picker would win in most cases. There's your hard facts. It's common sense.

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