
I lift weights every day for fun and to maintain by body... But mainly the gym is like my second home, I clean up around the gym more than I do in my house, o reorder the weight plates, pick them off the floor and put them on their racks. Then I chit chat with the trainers and other patrons. When I say that to people they are shocked... Even more so when I tell them I get up 4:30am in the morning every day to go the gym.. Except weekends.

See, people feel alive when they do adrenaline inducing stuff to feel alive... But I feel alive at the gym, hurting, sweating, feeling the pump then the sore muscles afterwards...

Then I play games a lot... Well I used to.... When I was in university/college... I skopped classes to play games for 6 hours or more a day... I had to seek help to get over it. But man at one stage I was trying to convince myself that the virtual world was better than my real life world to justify the time I spend playing.

Then I started working and i picked up new interests... Going on long drives and driving my car around windy roads got me hooked.

Then my photography phase kicked in... Spend thousands on lenses and drove hundreds of kilometers/miles in my state with my wife.. Hiking and taking photos.

But as of late.... Fucking Netflix.... I have like 20 films on my to watch list... Currently demotivating me to do my hikes and long drives.

I can see myself picking up fishing or drone racing in the near future... Or even mountain biking....

Basically.. My point is... TV and games kills motivation so you have to control that shit... You need to see the world and feel good pain (from exercising and doing physical things) whilst you can. One day you're old and you wont have the ability to be active.

/r/funny Thread Link - imgur.com