Actual image of Lucio gameplay on the PTR right now

I have something like 150 hours on Lucio and I can't wait that this patch hits live. People overreact too much by saying that Lucio is dead. The Overwatch community itself overreacts to balancing changes way too often. Here are some examples:

  • Some Top 500 Pharah Main saying that the minimum knockback decrease was a "huge nerf". Does anybody even noticed it? My friend ist a ~100 hour Pharah Main and he didn't even feel a change until I showed him the patch notes a few days after the patch.

  • Genji's mobility nerf (both the triple-jump and the ledge boost fix) were sending him into the trash tier...but did they really? No.

  • Sombra was supposed to be meta-defining after her first buffs (faster hacking and shorter cooldown), still one of the lowest pick-rates.

  • The Symmetra rework combined with the previous Torbjörn buffs were "cancer" because everyone thought even pro teams would run Torb+Symm+Ana defenses. They rarely do.

  • Blizzard put Roadhog into the trash can by nerfing his hook. Now he feels stronger than before.

  • D.Va is fucked up, people said. She was borderline OP before her nerf and she's fine now.

The same shit happens with Lucio now and I just can't stand reading that. I can understand if you have different playstyles and opinions but really, the patch is on PTR for like two days now and people say "RIP Lucio" like he is no fun anymore or absolute trash.

Wall-riding on top of maps i.e. KOTH in general or Gibraltar looks cool and maintaining aim while doing so requires skill but it honestly doesn't have a real sense. You're less vulnerable but you can't boop enemies off teammates, you basically just watch your team fighting or even dying without contributing by being active in fight by booping and distracting.

I'm really excited for the changes. Lucio no longer will be that healing bot everyone could play, you are much more active in fight and choose the teammates you help due to the short aura range. This has to do with skill and I love when the skill ceiling (or whatever it's called) of a hero is increased, since I love improving at a hero I love playing.

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