Requiem for Left Accelerationism

EDIT: I'm tired. fixed grammar and stuff.

my country apparently makes voting mandatory as you'll get fined/penalised somewhat... maybe pick up trash or sit in a dinky jail cell for a day or two and think about what you didn't do. However... it's quite apparent that...

Democracy is a sham voting is a sham and there is absolutely no way you can effect any change beyond your sidewalk or your neighborhood

As, well, it's usually just the showing up that's mandatory. Show the ID and sign your name then literally walk out of the building that is hosting the still-do-it-by-pencil-and-check-boxes-secret-ballot event.

However, if you're unlucky, the government hired polling official gets uppity about your walk out and demands that you return... usually it's emotional and impotent yelling how much you suck (overall: easily ignored) sometimes they unleash the old people and children to shame you to at least pity-vote for who they want (overall: hggnnn... possible, but, difficult to ignore due to the 15 minutes it takes to shake them off)... and the legends do speak of the rare occasion they send get hired security to haul you (or chase you!) back into the building.

Them three ballots are forced into your hands. Four choices: Vote half-heartedly, vote novelty parties, donkey vote, or just drop the torn/scribbled/blank vote into the box because who cares no one can see what goes on behind the veil?

Politics is the management of the "future" and all it does is rape. Therefore if your political, your a rapist. How does it feel, rapist?

Or, you know. This meandering story can get to the point... l-look, the system was asking for it!

You take those ballot papers and the fact that you've legally got nothing else to do and waited in line for two hours and were legally coerced one way or another which is then combined with your artistic skill level...

  • draw tiny dicks within the wrong box/all the boxes/too many boxes (not counted; wrongly voted and or exceeding maximum votes. also disqualified on the basis that one must use a tick or a cross. phallus is not recognised as offical ballot signage).

  • draw an individual medium dick over each individual ballot paper. Optional: spunk droplets enter the boxes of the candidates of your choice... because of intense dislike or intense like...

  • draw a magnum opus dick using all the ballot papers as a triptych. Limitations being imagination, ability, and how long you're allowed to loiter in the box before you're told to just submit the damn thing. (NB: this can be hours). BYO ~drawing materials.~ voting tools.

I am surrounded by millenials and they are useless. Weak, feeble, lazy, timid.

Met a law student at my university that was working as a polling electoral official who cracked open and counted the votes. The area is where a lot of millenials live. Majority vote? Dicks. The polling booth will be a closet of prayer... America has Banksy, we have these anonymous heroes who are far from timid, feeble, weak or lazy!

...yeah ok, still pretty useless.

Damn it.

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