African American Studies Professor Doesn't Know If She's Black

I feel like that's a similar argument that people gave for homosexual relationships - "If gay people are allowed to get married, why can't people marry their dogs or children?"

But honestly, if the government's not getting involved, and it's a consenting human adult, then what really is the problem with letting people do what makes them happy? The whole reason trans rights are even a thing is because people are KILLING trans people for identifying as another gender. Or abusing them. Or firing them (regardless of their actual job performance). So yeah. Others are overly cautious and conscientious about language as a way of compensating for that.

And really, what does being considerate really cost you?

I'm not big on labels but for some, it makes people more comfortable to disclaim the type of person they are so that people can be prepared how to interact with them or what kind of perspective they'll be bringing to the upcoming interaction.

We're constantly "playing along" with the chosen identities of others. That's what social interaction IS. The only difference with the weirder shit is that it's new. And maybe with some, there's more extremity and less willingness to be flexible within that identity - But it's very likely only a compensating reaction to knowing it's not considered an "acceptable" identity and that they might face ridicule or maybe even violence for it. The same thing happened when gay culture gained a foothold in the 70s and 80s.

I know this is a long rant for a comment not very high up on the thread, but it's just worth thinking about.

I used to get irritated about stuff like that too but since I've just let go of giving a fuck about things people do (as long as it doesn't negatively impact me or the world around me - and by negatively I mean more than just "it makes me uncomfortable"), I've been SO much happier.

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