The biggest problem Planetside 2 has is its first impressions. They are unforgiving and very discouraging to new players (especially those without friends to guide them)

Please describe a tutorial that will prepare the average noob for the horrors that will befall him when he enters PS2.

For the tutorial, that sounds like a challenge which I accept and I will get back to you.

I'm genuinely curious just how little you know or have seriously thought about tutorials and teaching new players PS2.

As for your second point, how about a few examples?

These links by the way are available from this thread in which Higby stated that "we've used a lot of these ideas in the new design"

Ironically, you responded to the thread at the same time in which you didn't agree with my ideas. Looks like others did because it was implemented.

So this is what I do. I have tons of ideas to make things better and I submit them. I have a great idea for a tutorial as well, which I'm working on.

/r/Planetside Thread Parent