Agora: present yourselves

I'm a bit late to this, but hey why not?!!

-What is your idea of perfect happiness? Imperfection which you, personally, cannot fault. -What is your greatest fear? Failure. -What is the trait you most deplore in yourself? Fear. -What is the trait you most deplore in others? Not telling me something. -Which living person do you most admire? Elizabeth II. -What is your greatest extravagance? My imagination. -What is your current state of mind? Contentedly in a river that's drifts to the waterfall, but in a really high atmosphere. -What do you consider the most overrated virtue? Conscientiousness, for reasons controversial. (I was going to jokingly say chastity and give y'all a winky face but meh). -On what occasion do you lie? All the time, but never truly (if you can decipher this little riddle of super deep emotion). -What do you most dislike about your appearance? The side angle. -Which living person do you most despise? Myself probably because I have far too much sympathy and empathy for everyone else and have to carry on that tradition of British self-deprivation. -What is the quality you most like in a man? No judgements or change of character on others. -What is the quality you most like in a woman? A lingering intelligent smile, whatever that might mean. -Which words or phrases do you most overuse? "Chill" and "fine thanks" -What or who is the greatest love of your life? Ahhhh, apparently I fall in love with most people, a lot. Not true. There are just... a small to medium number of people... who I may or may not keep falling head over heels for. And I do know some quite well! Pasta's great too, though. -When and where were you happiest? At prep school, age 8? -Which talent would you most like to have? To be able to sing, perhaps? (Not that I don't screech out songs constantly) -If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? The subtle self-destruction. -What do you consider your greatest achievement? Watching 60 episodes of Game of Thrones in nine days whilst working a job...

/r/readingclassics Thread