(Alg 2) Sequence word problem

Thanks for the response. However, I got a different answer. My sequence was like


My equation was basically

t(n)= 5(t(n-1)-t(n-2)) + t(n-2)

So basically you if you were doing the 6th minute, you would do 1706-426 (which equals 1280), then multiply that by 5 (=6400) and then plus 426.

I did this because (in this case) those 426 computers had already spread 5 viruses, so it would be the remaining 1280 out of the 1706 that could spread 5 more viruses. because the computers that can no longer spread the virus still have it, id add the 426 back onto the 1280*5 which got me an answer of 6826.

Did i do this wrong?

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