All I can say is wow, a new low for Reddit

Lol what is /r/china inhabited mainly by people that are not Chinese or do not live in China?

It's still a Third World country trying to market itself as something that it's not.

One of the largest economies in the world.

The only people who believe all their propaganda are the mainland Chinese and the overseas Chinese.

That is kind of interesting since my bf is from the mainland and although we do have geopolitical discussions and arguments from time to time. It's not like he is some sort of hypnotized zombie lol.


China is actually upholding the Paris agreement (or at least pretending to, but even that is more then what the US does lol).

unfair trade barriers, inhuman rights, fake products,

Ah yes Jina the only country ever to have trade barriers. /s

'Fake products', no comment

'Inhuman rights' I suppose he means lack of or lack of enforcement of human rights. Which I agree it is horrible what happens to human rights lawyers or activists. But again it is not like Russia or the US can really criticize China on that front with a straight face.

baby meat,

Literally fake news.

North Korea,

Saudi Arabia

rude Chinese tourists,

Have you ever dealt with American tourists? I think that tourists in general are just annoying.

racism, arrogance, over the top fanatical nationalism,

Insert joke about Donald Trump

dirt, filth, smog, gutter oil.. are the only things that come to anyone's minds.

Actually when I think of China I think of great food lol.

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