Redditor confesses to jerkinf off to his sister as she does squats

See. I love a good taboo kink as much as the next degenerate. But the hell is up with people being ‘cesty online? It’s not actually okay. This shit is for porn and roleplay. Don’t ruin my jerk off material by turning it into a thing, please.

I’m subbed to a few incest subreddits, because shit is hot if it’s made up. But I read the comments, and am DEEPLY unsettled. People outright giving advice on how to groom a family member into consenting to sex. That’s beyond fucked up, and not even because incest is questionable. What kind of a creep are you to try to coerce a relative into something they weren’t interested in, using the unique power you have over them thanks to your relationship? And if you live together, they may be TRAPPED with your creepy ass.

The subreddit comments give me a big rapey vibe. It would be different if every personal story was like that broke arm dude, bc it seems like no one was hurt (aside from the women he cheated on). But nah, spare me the “anyone have any tips to get my son/daughter to blow me?” Gross. And what’s worse is someone making a post describing an event, and the comments are like a sporting event with everyone saying OP do this, OP try making sure they “accidentally” see you changing/jerking off, OP casually bring up sex in conversation with them and steer it to experimenting with you. Fucking nasty people. Just let me jerk off to twins in peace.

/r/jesuschristreddit Thread Link -