Hello Men, fellow man here. How’s it been working as a tech?

Was the only guy in my class of 25. My first job, I was the only male on a staff of 50. Moved across country and went through orientation for my new job with another male sonographer - thought I had found a unicorn!

My latest position, I joined four other guys in a department of 25. All hospitals, all different situations. But the job hasn’t changed at all. Really no big deal - the only specialty I haven’t been involved with is breast, par for the course … but I still perform them occasionally after hours for the ED.

Not often, maybe once every other year, a patient says they’d be more comfortable with a female tech - no big deal, I wish more patients would be active in their health care decisions. Always have a female staff chaperone for pelvic exams, always stick to the same script when dealing with any patient - consistency is your friend. The job is the job. In the trenches, none of us really cares who is pulling on the rope as long as there’s someone there to help.

/r/Sonographers Thread